

Cross-River Tunnel of Longyao Road, Shanghai

Cross-River Tunnel of Longyao Road, Shanghai
The tunnel connecting two sides of Huangpu River is about 4 kilometers with two holes and four lanes,which is regarded as the supporting project of Shanghai World Expo. The main road line is designed with a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.

The branch road project (vocational education road) in Yongxing area of Ya'an development zone

The branch road project (vocational education road) in Yongx...
The branch road project (vocational education road) in Yongxing area of Ya'an development zone is located within the specification scope of Ya'an Economic Development Zone, Sichuan Province. The project content is about 2366m long and 20m wide. The total construction period is 360 days and the total investment is 46627325 Yuan.

The main road (south section of mingxingcao Avenue) in Yongxing area of Ya'an

The main road (south section of mingxingcao Avenue) in Yongx...
The main road (south section of mingxingcao Avenue) in Yongxing area of Ya'an is located in the specification scope of Ya'an economic development zone. The project content is: the total length of mingxingcao Avenue is about 4191m, the road width is 24m, and there are three bridges; the total construction period is 360 days, and the total investment is 101229444 Yuan.

Riverside Landscape Project of first class land consolidation in Sanjiangkou area of Yibin City

Riverside Landscape Project of first class land consolidatio...
Located in Yibin City, the riverside landscape project of first-class land consolidation in Sanjiangkou area of Yibin City covers civil engineering, structure, greening, pavement and water and electricity installation in areas C and D. the construction period is 360 days and the total investment is 8340056.65 Yuan.

Yudu Long March square project

Yudu Long March square project
Yudu Long March square project is located in Yudu County, the project content: municipal, landscape, the total construction period is 120 days, the total investment is 7694982.8 Yuan.
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